Saturday 2 November 2013

skin Diseases And Treatments

People in today’s world suffer in large numbers from the skin diseases due to unhygienic living conditions and adverse environmental changes. Skin diseases are of different types and they range from very mild diseases to the acute ones. Skin diseases need proper attention in the initial stages of identification before they shape up in a very dangerous form.

Skin Diseases have become very common in this modern world with the environment getting more and more polluted. Skin is the most outer layer present on the human body. The external layer of skin protects the internal body organs from extreme damage. Human Skin is a sensory organ of the body and which has sensory nerves to receive the different stimulus. Skin secretes sebum through its sebaceous glands in response to the stimulus. Due to this sensitive nature of the skin, it can be made prone to many skin diseases. These skin diseases can be due to adverse environmental changes, hormonal imbalance, stress, allergies and microbial infections. There are number of skin diseases among humans and some of them can be treated easily but some of them have a very lengthy and tough treatment.

Skin care and treatment for Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer is one of the most dangerous types which require skin care
Skin Cancer is one of the most fatal types of skin diseases. Skin Cancer is among the many types of malignant cancer that can be caused to the humans. Over one million cases of cancers are recorded per year around the globe. The skin Cancer can be of three types fundamentally. These are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. All these different types are distinguished from each other by checking the depth of the tumor inside the skin. Different surgeries can be performed or laser treatment can also come into place as the treatment for these types of skin diseases. Desiccation Surgical Excision and Mohs Micrographic Surgery are two of the most common type of surgeries which can be performed in case of skin Cancer.

Skin care for acne and skin infections
Acne and Skin infections are different forms of skin diseases which require proper skin care treatment
Among the various type of skin diseases; skin infections and acne are the most common one. Acne appears on the skin due to different reason and can look very ugly at times. Skin infections and acne can be caused due to the environmental effects and hormonal imbalance within the body at times. The acne appearing on the skin due to hormonal balance occurs in the teen age when body goes through different stages of growth. Other than this infectious skin diseases can be caused due to many allergies. Unhygienic living conditions also give rise to acne and skin infections. These acnes and skin infections are not very acute types of skin diseases and they can be treated through keeping our environment clean and using antibacterial cosmetics products to keep the skin healthy and disease free.

Skin care for Leucoderma
Skin care is important as Leucoderma causes changes in the color of skin
Leucoderma is from the class of skin diseases in which there appear white or pale yellow patches on the skin. These patches are mostly caused due to action of certain chemicals on the human skin. Analysis of the recent most cases of the Leucoderma shows that the most affected class of this disease are chemical workers, engineers, hospital workers and automobile workers. This is due to chemicals friendly environment that these groups of people work in. Reddish seed, mustard oil, black paper and turmeric are used in as the home held remedies for the treatment of the Leucoderma. PUVA is another treatment for this disease in which ultraviolet rays are used to diminish these patches from the skin to get rid of these types of skin diseases.


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