Wednesday 2 October 2013

How To Increase Adsense CPC (Cost Per Click)?

increase-google-adsense-earningsSo let’s begin with the many ways to improve Adsense CPC….. :)

Niche – Very Important For Higher Adsense CPC

Your niche probably plays the most important role in deciding the amount of money you get for each click. Whatever you may do, some niche like gaming, entertainment have low CPC’s. Some other niches such as Weight Loss, Beauty etc have extremely high CPC’s which can go above 1$ or 2$.
Here are some niche that yield high Adsense CPC -
  • Weight Loss
  • Beauty
  • Tech
  • Travel
  • Education

You may also be interested to know about high paying Adsense keyword.

Traffic – Where does your traffic come from?

If your blog gets a lot of Asian or African traffic, you are bound to have low CPC’s. If your blog gets high traffic from USA, Canada and Europe, then you can expect high CPC Adsense clicks.
Therefore, you need to try to get more traffic from the countries I just mentioned above to ensure that your Adsense CPC increases.

PageRank – Ambiguous?

This has definitely not been proven by any webmaster but it is a theory that makes a lot of sense.
Naturally, advertisers would want to have their ads on the best websites and blogs. Since a blog’s quality and influence is measured by its Google PageRank, therefore it is true that pagerank can have a big effect on Adsense CPC.
The theory says that if a blog has higher pagerank, like PR 4 or more, then better ads which pay more are supplied to the blog.This increases CPC.
Read how you can improve your pagerank by getting high pr dofollow backlinks and blog commenting.

Ad Placement – Higher The Better

If you place your ads higher on a web-page, you will have more chances of landing a high paying ad on your ad-spots. The Adsense algorithm places the highest bidding ad on your blog. Bidders like ads high up rather than low in the web page, so try to place your ads higher up a web page rather than below.

Number of Ads – How Much Is Too Much?

Adsense allows normal accounts to have a maximum of 3 ad-units in a single web page. However, if you are a premium Adsense publisher, you can have any number of ads that you want.
Although you are allowed to place three ad units in a single page, it means that some ads are getting filled with the best CPC ads while the remaining ones are having lower paying ads.
If you have only 1 or 2 ads in a page, you can ensure that you are getting very high CPC for both.

Using Other Ad Networks

Few bloggers claim that using other blog networks increase competition between ads and hence Adsene will try to increase CPC of Adsense ads to beat the competitors to ensure that Adsense is the sole network on a page.
But other bloggers say the opposite, using other ad-networks reduces Adsense CPC.
This one is up to you to decide, try it out and learn for yourself :)

Using Both Text And Image Ads

Adsense executives themselves tell people to use both text/image ads as it gives more room for higher bidding. Advertisers may chose to use text or image ads and hence the bidding goes up.
I personally do not like to use Adsense Text ads as some of the ads look spammy, this is one of the reasons why I hate Adsense.

Site Performance

Recently Adsense added some new features in the dashboard which give your blogs speed and performance ratings. If you can improve your blogs performance, you may be able to claim higher paying ads on your blog or website.


So these are some ways in which you can increase your Adsense CPC’s and hence earn more from blogging. If you know of some other ways to increase Adsense CPC, then please let me know in the comments section below. :)


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