A traditional Coorgi wedding is perhaps the only Hindu wedding ceremony where dancing, alcohol and meat (especially pork curry) are a must. But apart from that,
Coorgis also follow customs that are symbolic reminders of the old days, when men fought for the women they loved, and were rewarded with the lady’s hand in marriage.
In one custom, a line of six or seven banana shoots are placed on the ground. The groom or his brother has to chop off each shoot with a traditional Coorgi knife. This has to be done with a single blow. If he fails, he is greeted with taunts. Of course, he does get a second chance to prove his valour.
In another tradition, the bride performs Ganga puja where she has to carry a matka (pot) on her head, fi ll it with water and return to her in-laws’ home. But here’s where
it gets interesting. She has to do all this while men from the groom’s side block her path by dancing in front of her. This is symbolic of the old days, when a bride used to step
out of her in-laws’ home for the fi rst time to draw water. On her way back, she is usually teased by young village boys, and she has to be strong to be able to cross them and
return home. This custom is incorporated in the wedding ceremony, to test the bride’s presence of mind.
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